What is Codeium?
Codeium 是什么?
Codeium is the modern coding superpower, a code acceleration toolkit built on cutting edge AI technology. Currently, Codeium has two main capabilities: Autocomplete, which suggests the code you want to type, saving you time on everything from boilerplate to unit tests, and Search, which helps you search through your repository using natural language questions. With easy integration into editors, we want you to focus on being the best software developer, not the best code monkey.
Codeium 是现代编码的超级力量,是一个基于尖端人工智能技术构建的代码加速工具包。 目前,Codeium 有两个主要功能:自动完成,它会建议您要输入的代码,从而节省您在从样板文件到单元测试的所有事情上的时间;以及搜索,它可以帮助您使用自然语言问题搜索存储库。 通过轻松集成到编辑器中,我们希望您专注于成为最好的软件开发人员,而不是最好的代码猴子。

What programming languages do you support?

Codeium’s performance is good (and enabled by default) for the following languages (alphabetical order): APL, Assembly, Astro, Blade, C, C++, C#, Clojure, CMake, COBOL, CoffeeScript, Crystal, CSS, CUDA, Dart, Delphi, Dockerfile, Elixir, Erlang, F#, Fortran, GDScript, Go, Gradle, Groovy, Hack, Haskell, HCL, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Julia, JSON, Kotlin, LISP, Less, Lua, Makefile, MATLAB, MUMPS, Nim, Objective-C, OCaml, pbtxt, PHP, Protobuf, Python, Perl, Powershell, Prolog, R, Ruby, Rust, SAS, Sass, Scala, SCSS, shell, Solidity, SQL, Starlark, Swift, Svelte, Typescript, TeX, TSX, VBA, Vimscript, Vue, YAML, Zig. On any other languages, you can explicitly enable Codeium.

对于以下语言(按字母顺序排列),Codeium 的性能良好(默认启用):APL、Assembly、Astro、Blade、C、C、C#、Clojure、CMake、COBOL、CoffeeScript、Crystal、CSS、CUDA、Dart、Delphi , Dockerfile, Elixir, Erlang, F#, Fortran, GDScript, Go, Gradle, Groovy, Hack, Haskell, HCL, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Julia, JSON, Kotlin, LISP, Less, Lua, Makefile, MATLAB, MUMPS, Nim 、Objective-C、OCaml、pbtxt、PHP、Protobuf、Python、Perl、Powershell、Prolog、R、Ruby、Rust、SAS、Sass、Scala、SCSS、shell、Solidity、SQL、Starlark、Swift、Svelte、Typescript、TeX 、TSX、VBA、Vimscript、Vue、YAML、Zig。 在任何其他语言上,您可以显式启用 Codeium。

Will this always be free?
For individual developers, yes. Our philosophy is that every developer should have access to these tools to keep the playing field level.
对于个人开发者来说,是的。 我们的理念是每个开发人员都应该能够使用这些工具以保持公平的竞争环境。



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